
A simple, secure and fast Cardano ADA wallet.

Total ratings

3.59 (Rating count: 291)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Yoroi has become much more user-friendly through recent updates.
  • Users prefer Yoroi over other wallets like Eternl and Nami for certain features.
  • Users report bugs introduced in recent updates, preventing functionality like sending ADA.
  • Many users experience issues with wallet loading and accessing funds.
  • The wallet interface is not intuitive and is often described as confusing.
  • There are significant problems with transactions failing and difficulties in accessing voting features.
Most mentioned
  • Users cannot access funds or complete transactions after updates.
  • Issues with wallet loading and functionality across different browsers.
  • Confusion and dissatisfaction with user interface and experience.
See reviews for Yoroi on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.59
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49% (137)
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34% (96)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
junaidu attahiru
en Yoroi has become much more user-friendly through recent updates, and I personally prefer Yoroi over Eternl or Nami. However, I believe a bug was introduced during the update to version 5.4.530. Previously, I was able to send ADA using the Lucid module with Yoroi, but after the update, it only works with Eternl and Nami wallets, not with Yoroi. Even the sample code provided at "https://developers.cardano.org/docs/get-started/cardano-serialization-lib/create-react-app/" works with Nami and Eternl but not with Yoroi. I consistently encounter the error: 'Deserialization failed in TransactionWitnessSet.vkeys.Vkeywitnesses because: Invalid CBOR: not the right type, expected Array byte received Tag' when using Yoroi. I believe this might be a bug in Yoroi, although I could be mistaken. I would appreciate hearing the opinion of the development team regarding this issue.
nl Ik heb mijn 15 woorden nog maar ben het paswoord vergeten. Ik kan niet meer aan mijn middelen..
Gemechis Marema
en I placed a swap order on @MuesliSwapDEX using my Yoroi Wallet on 02.12.2024, but I’ve been unable to cancel it despite multiple attempts on both platforms. I've updated the apps, resynced my wallet, and reached out to the Yoroi team, but my funds are still inaccessible. 7 days now without accessing my funds. Please fix and return my funds. Thank you 👏🏽
A Chong
en Wallet not loading today. I clicked on the extension and nothing loads for my wallet. Do I have to uninstall and reinstall?
en Have been shut out of catalyst voting with this wallet for two years now. Tried to register for Fund 13 again, but cannot. No resolutions, can't open their Discord for information. No help at all. Now says wallet has changed. How? So many questions and problems.
cati c
en Not intuitive at all but very confusing. But it gets worse: Installed on Firefox. Upon opening, all I could see was a white page saying Yoroi Wallet. No menu, nothing. So I installed it on Chrome. But there, I'm unable to make a transaction ("Transaction failed. Your transaction has not been processed properly due to technical issues"), so I tried Brave. Doesn't work either. I think this shitty wallet is either very experimental or full of bugs.
Jahan Brandenburg
en Chek my Sаfepal (island blind tennis trap moment element print chair state hobby actress finish)
Mike Ghilino
en Chek my Sаfepal (island blind tennis trap moment element print chair state hobby actress finish)
Ashton Tchida
en Chek my wallel please - island blind tennis trap moment element print chair state hobby actress finish
Edward Barrington
en О‎К‎X wal‎let se‎ed phr‎ase: isl‎and blin‎d tennis tr‎ap moment elem‎ent pri‎nt ch‎air state hob‎by actr‎ess finish
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