Crypto Miner Blocker

Crypto Miner Blocker

This open-source extension automatically blocks Crypto Mining Scripts.

Total ratings for Crypto Miner Blocker
3.87 (Rating count: 15)
See reviews for Crypto Miner Blocker on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Crypto Miner Blocker
Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 3.87
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king of core
king of core
i like it my chrome was so slow and i really was think its virus or something happen like hack so i search to find there is new app to stop then i find there is miner on chrome so i search until i find this tools its very easy and supper thank you guys
Bram B
Bram B
This is not good. It blocks sites with javascripts with names as difference-determiner.js ; just because it has "miner" in the name. difference-determiner.js is used in every Magento installation so it blocks millions of webstores. Bad.
Nicolas Rosenkranz
Nicolas Rosenkranz
Helped me SO many times already. Sometimes a website just tries to open x tabs which are closed immediately. Before that addon I wondered why my GPU would ramp up its fans to 100% for no apparent reason. Thanks guys for that awesome addon! <3
zombie 666
zombie 666
Zatěžuje procesor víc než samotná těžba kryptoměn !
Fairplay! Der Blocker scheint die Miner, welche um Erlaubnis fragen nicht zu blocken!