Notion x Excalidraw Helper

Notion x Excalidraw Helper

A chrome extension to copy graph data between notion and excalidraw

Total ratings for Notion x Excalidraw Helper
5.00 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Notion x Excalidraw Helper on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Notion x Excalidraw Helper
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Guillaume S
Guillaume S
en Masterclass, I would love to have this extension on Firefox too.
Jason Gao
Jason Gao
zh 太棒啦!!!算是目前能在Notion中使用Excalidraw最好的方案,感谢作者!
Chris Smith
Chris Smith
en This is a very helpful extension which is a great improvement over Notion's included Excalidraw embed feature. If wanting to change your drawing while using an Excalidraw embed in Notion, it requires you to save the drawing to a link each time, then replace the notion embed with the updated link. This is because Excalidraw links store a read-only copy of your drawing. With this extension, you can just copy and paste your drawing between Notion and Excalidraw when making changes, which is much simpler.
Salahuddin Ahammed
Salahuddin Ahammed
en It works great!
Philipp •
Philipp •