Holocene Epoch Timestamp

Holocene Epoch Timestamp

Add the Holocene Epoch timestamp (2023 CE becomes 12023 HE) before or after the timestamps present on the webpage (or replace them).

Total ratings for Holocene Epoch Timestamp
4.22 (Rating count: 9)
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Recent reviews for Holocene Epoch Timestamp
Recent rating average: 4.22
All time rating average: 4.22
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ivan Villalaz
Ivan Villalaz
en It's good to be fair, but have some flaws: the years from: (11900 to 11909), (12000 to 12009), sporting seasons like: (12000-01, or 12008-09), doesn't convert well, the first decade of every century doesn't convert properly, instead remains 1900-1909, 2000-2001, also some other ancient years, milleniums, doesn't convert adequately, can you fix this please? aside form that, this is something I was looking for a while ago, good effort.
Jadi C
Jadi C
I have been looking for something like this. The only thing that I want to point out is that if you have something like: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egypt Early Dynastic Period (c. 3150–2686 BC [7315 HE]) It only converts the last date. (2686 BC) You should do something that detect "3150–2686 BC", numbers that are atached with a "-". So that it converts to "6851-7315 HE". Can you please look into this, thanks.
Yuri Costa
Yuri Costa
Been looking for this for a while. Is there any way to get a spacer for the thousands? i.e. 12 022 HE rather then 12022 HE
Johannes Hell
Johannes Hell
I have been looking for this. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work for other languages than English. In German 500 BC would be 500 v. Chr. The extension makes this appear as 10500 HE v.Chr. which is not exactly what I was looking for. Also sometimes it would change numbers that are not dates (e.g. "The town has 2000 [12000 HE] inhabitants.") There is a lot of potential but right now there are too many bugs for me.
Petko Ditchev
Petko Ditchev
A great extension to be used for a great calendar adjustment
Petko Dichev
Petko Dichev
en A great extension to be used for a great calendar adjustment
2019-04-13 Samuel Ashcroft Absolutely brilliant, lots of customisability, however it infrequently doesn't convert the year, e.g. it displays '2004-2007' as '2004-12007 HE' in wikipedia subheadings.
Wiktor Owczarek
Wiktor Owczarek
Amazing! I was searching for something like this for ages. This extension deserves for publicity than this. If you want to change the dates outside of Chrome (In Windows), you can use this tool I made: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1Ohdpz1hLWFsG0hwmi7_1QomrhqM3R1uX
Wiktor Owczarek (Tikolu)
Wiktor Owczarek (Tikolu)
en Amazing! I was searching for something like this for ages. This extension deserves for publicity than this. If you want to change the dates outside of Chrome (In Windows), you can use this tool I made: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1Ohdpz1hLWFsG0hwmi7_1QomrhqM3R1uX