Morse Code Translator

This extension provides a morse code translation pop-out

Total ratings

3.88 (Rating count: 16)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful and simple to use
  • Works well for translating Homestuck
  • Fun to use
  • Limited flexibility with spaces in translation
  • Does not support translating text to Morse code
  • Inaccurate compared to other translators
Most mentioned
  • Need for translation from text to Morse code
  • Lack of support for spaces
  • Positive feedback for Homestuck translation
See reviews for Morse Code Translator on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.88

Rating filters

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
James Pedroso
en no, without spaces, how can you translate from text to morse, and then back to text?
Puspam Adak
en It's nice, useful and very simple. Suggestion: please add a function to change the font size and add a copy button.
sortofexisting ._.
en really fun. not sure how accurate it is, and it probably doesn't work with other translators
en I downloaded it just for reading Homestuck xD
Kirsten Crawford
en This works perfectly in Homestuck, like you said. Thanks so much for making this, I was about to hand translate the whole thing.
Hervé Dupuis
en No interest
jon stoff
en It is not very flexible to spaces and other things.
Bjarki Öfjörð
en It was okay and all but it would be nicer if it was possible to translate text to morse code.