Chrofans Close Tab by Drag Right Mouse

Chrofans Close Tab by Drag Right Mouse

Four methods are provided to close tabs easily and quickly, and configuration switches are also provided for each method.

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "update_url": "",
  "manifest_version": 3,
  "name": "Chrofans Close Tab by Drag Right Mouse",
  "description": "Four methods are provided to close tabs easily and quickly, and configuration switches are also provided for each method.",
  "version": "1.1.2",
  "background": {
    "service_worker": "background.js"
  "permissions": [
  "content_scripts": [
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      "js": [
      "run_at": "document_end"
  "action": {
    "default_icon": {
      "16": "icons/icon-16.png",
      "24": "icons/icon-24.png",
      "32": "icons/icon-32.png",
      "48": "icons/icon-48.png",
      "64": "icons/icon-64.png",
      "96": "icons/icon-96.png",
      "128": "icons/icon-128.png"
  "icons": {
    "16": "icons/icon-16.png",
    "24": "icons/icon-24.png",
    "32": "icons/icon-32.png",
    "48": "icons/icon-48.png",
    "64": "icons/icon-64.png",
    "96": "icons/icon-96.png",
    "128": "icons/icon-128.png"
  "options_page": "options.html",
  "web_accessible_resources": [
      "resources": [
      "matches": [