Delete On Exit

Delete On Exit

Automatically delete user selected data when browser is closed, keeping your banking, crypto, and other personal information safe!

Total ratings for Delete On Exit
3.11 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Delete On Exit on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Delete On Exit
Recent rating average: 2.57
All time rating average: 3.11
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29% (2)
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57% (4)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
John Doe
John Doe
en You seriously expect people to pay $1.95 a month (or $19.95 lifetime) for this? You're delusional.
Дмитрий К
Дмитрий К
en 20 dollars? No way
Ufuk Can
Ufuk Can
Róbert “FurloSK” Toth
Róbert “FurloSK” Toth
en Was one of the best extensions in the store. Now usable only with paid subscription service for $5 a month…
николай шматко
николай шматко
Eddie Ortiz
Eddie Ortiz
Works very well. But Chorme should be have this process as standard. Edge can make the same without extensions.
Вадим Валерьевич
Вадим Валерьевич
Works on Chrome 114, like in CentBrowser native. Great. I Want more reviews from users for popularization of this addon, please. Because to hard to find good automatic cleaning extension littlesized and worked as well.