Datememe: Free Online Dating with Memes
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Extension summary
datememe is a new worldwide 100% free premium online dating service. With datememe it takes seconds to sign up and to receive your first matches.
Many dating sites claim to be free but then after you sign up you find out there are restrictions on what you can do or who you can send messages to.
At datememe we provide a premium dating service but have absolutely no restrictions or paid features. Our guarantee is that all users will receive the same exact experience with no exceptions.
Check out all these features that are available for FREE on datememe:
• Sign up and create a profile from any country in the world no restrictions • Upload as many photos from your phone or from Facebook as you like • Receive compatible matches daily • Find out when another user read your message • Find out when other users were last online • Unlimited messages with anyone and you choose how long we store your messages • See who has viewed your profile
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Extension safety
Risk impact
datememe requires very minimum permissions.
Risk likelihood
datememe has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.