Ancestor Surname Highlighter

Ancestor Surname Highlighter

Highlights specified surnames on genealogy pages.

Total ratings for Ancestor Surname Highlighter
5.00 (Rating count: 2)
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Recent reviews for Ancestor Surname Highlighter
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Zylons R Catz
Zylons R Catz
en Such a simple idea but such a game-changer. I wish I had this years ago. THANK YOU -- I'm buying you THREE coffees, in just a few weeks of using this you've saved me so much time. ☕️☕️☕️
Jennifer Dunn
Jennifer Dunn
en I'm working on a DNA project right now where I'm looking at long lists of surnames. This little extension does just what it says on the tin: highlights any surnames you've entered into the plugin and makes them easy to see. Also, I have some surnames that are also common words (like "West" and "Hill") and I was hoping it didn't constantly work in the background and highlight those words every time I browsed the web. Happy to report it does not! You have to tell it to "highlight" surnames. Very nifty little tool.