Avast Passwords

Forget remembering your passwords. IMPORTANT: This extension requires Avast Antivirus for Windows. You can download the Avast…

Total ratings

3.89 (Rating count: 567)

User review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Convenient password management
  • Initially effective for synchronization across devices
  • User-friendly interface
  • Facilitates login processes
  • Issues with synchronization after updates
  • Lockout from accounts due to incorrect password saving
  • Requires Avast antivirus to function
  • Frequent bugs and errors affecting usability
  • Inconsistent performance across different devices
Most mentioned
  • Problems with unlocking the extension
  • Issues after recent updates
  • Need for Avast antivirus
  • Password mismanagement (e.g., saving the wrong password)
  • Support difficulties and lack of solutions
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Kenya Otterholt
en Hello, I hope you're having a splendid day! I am currently seeking opportunities to expand my business operations by investing in extensions with a significant user base, beginning from 50,000 users and up. No matter if your extension has a modest user base or counts its users in the millions, I am interested and ready to negotiate a purchase. If you are in possession of such an extension and looking to turn it into a profit, please consider reaching out to me. We can discuss the price and proceed with a transparent and secure transaction through a trusted escrow service based in the United States. It's great that Google allows the transfer of extension ownership between accounts, so your Google account ownership will remain intact. If you have any needs, please contact us via the following contacts Whatsapp: +1 (248) 896‑8035 Telegram: t.me/harryysandersonn
Guillermo Iturriza
cs Or I don't understand business at all (which is very likely), but I still don't understand as the years go by like "THE BEST AVAST PRODUCT" (OR GEN, Norton, SVG, "I'll break the virus for you", etc. .) has been withdrawn from the market. I am Argentine but my blood is Czech. There maybe I can understand it a little. And enough of the hyped updates because they change the color from orange to blue... PS: A great impossibility. Since I have had the application, since 2014, I have never been able to synchronize it with the damn device called a cell phone or Smartphone. Not even the support people could help me. And I bought licenses until 2029!!!!! That little orange fixed key is and will be better and at the time innovative for my security... And Avast eliminated it. Cheers! - from GHI, La Plata, BS. AS., Argentina. O no entiendo nada de negocios (lo cual es muy probable), pero todavía no entiendo a medida que pasan los años como "EL MEJOR PRODUCTO AVAST" (O GEN, Norton, SVG, "Romperé el virus para ti", etc.) ha sido retirado del mercado. Soy argentino pero mi sangre es checa. Ahí tal vez pueda entenderlo un poco. Y basta de actualizaciones tan publicitadas porque cambian el color de naranja a azul... PD: Una gran imposibilidad. Desde que tengo la aplicación, desde el 2014, nunca he podido sincronizarla con el maldito aparato que se llama celular o Smartphone. Ni siquiera la gente de soporte pudo ayudarme. Y compré licencias hasta el 2029!!!!! Esa pequeña llave fija naranja es y será mejor y en su momento innovadora para mi seguridad... Y Avast la eliminó. ¡Salud! -de GHI, La Plata, BS. AS., Argentina. Nebo vůbec nerozumím byznysu (což je velmi pravděpodobné), ale stále nechápu, jak roky plynou jako „NEJLEPŠÍ PRODUKT AVAST“ (NEBO GEN, Norton, SVG, „Rozbiju virus pro vás“ atd. .) byl stažen z trhu. Jsem Argentinec, ale moje krev je česká. Tam to snad trochu pochopím. A dost těch medializovaných aktualizací, protože mění barvu z oranžové na modrou... PS: Velká nemožnost. Od té doby, co tu aplikaci mám, od roku 2014, se mi ji nikdy nepodařilo synchronizovat s tím zatraceným zařízením zvaným mobil nebo Smartphone. Ani pomocníci mi nedokázali pomoci. A to jsem si koupil licence do roku 2029!!!!! Ten malý oranžový pevný klíč je a bude lepší a v té době inovativní pro moji bezpečnost... A Avast ho odstranil. Na zdraví! - od GHI, La Plata, BS. AS., Argentina.
Arlind Pajaziti
en all is great , just u cant login via email in aliexpress.com if this extension is enabled
Marcos Matos
pt Eu não consigo mais acessar a extensão de senha, aparece uma exclamação.
Albin lechaud
fr Ayany eu le même problème, je viens de le résoudre : la manip indiquée par Avast est bonne sauf qu'il faut d'abord aller dans avast / parametres/ resolution des problemes et sélectionner uniquement passwords (ancien) pour le réinitialiser ("réparer"). Ensuite par miracle le produit est accessible, j'ai pu exporter mes passwords. Il me reste à désinstaller pour remettre ONE que je viens d'acheter
Daniel Beuchat
fr Cette extension ne fonctionne absolument pas. Depuis que j'ai migré sur Avast one c'est impossible à utiliser. J'ai remis le bon vieux Avast Antivirus et ça ne change rien. Avast persiste à m'envoyer le message suivant: Avast Passwords nécessite un antivirus Avast pour fonctionner. Assurez-vous qu'un antivirus Avast est installé et réessayez. Vous n'en avez pas ? Téléchargez-en un ici gratuitement .....ce qui est fait depuis longtemps. j'ai même désactivé les autres extensions (tels que Adblocker) et rien n'y fait. Quelle déception!
Osman Corap
en I love it when it worked, but it doesent work anymore?
Ozzy C
sv den funkar inte vill att jag lägger den igen och det funkar fortfarande inte????
Phil Reichert
en Avast passwords is not working anymore since theier last update. The extension in the browser can´t be unlocked anymore. To automatically fullfill passwords, I have to unlock the master password in the AVAST software. Please fix this issue
Alexander Ndungu
en Very good password manager except for a few issues. I noticed that when it's locked, it fills in old or previous passwords even though I changed them. I would also prefer if it didn't fill in passwords until the master password is entered. Also doesn't unlock since the Avast antivirus update.
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