URL Query Decoder

URL Query Decoder

This extension will break apart the query parameters in the url and decode them. Also allows you to copy them to the clipboard.

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "update_url": "https://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx",
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "URL Query Decoder",
  "description": "This extension will break apart the query parameters in the url and decode them. Also allows you to copy them to the clipboard.",
  "version": "1.0",
  "icons": {
    "16": "icon_16.png",
    "48": "icon_48.png",
    "128": "icon_128.png"
  "page_action": {
    "default_name": "Url Query Decoder",
    "default_icon": "icon_16.png",
    "default_popup": "popup.html"
  "permissions": [
  "background": {
    "scripts": [