Upload image from clipboard or URL

Upload images & files directly from a URL or the clipboard (ctrl+v), without needing to have them on your computer!

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5.00 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Upload image from clipboard or URL on Chrome Web Store
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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 5.00
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5 star
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en it works.
es funciona nice man
Chad Muller
en Works exactly as expected. Thank you SO much!
Stu Think
en perfect!
Duncan E
en this sucks balls guys
Mod Master
It worked very well, I was able to upload images to websites just by right clicking an image, copying the link, and pasting it into the text box on this extension. But then I realized you can already do that on windows by pasting the image link into the "File name" text box. Still, I don't know if that technique works for only windows users or other devices too, so if its only for some devices, this extension is great!
Mod Master
en It worked very well, I was able to upload images to websites just by right clicking an image, copying the link, and pasting it into the text box on this extension. But then I realized you can already do that on windows by pasting the image link into the "File name" text box. Still, I don't know if that technique works for only windows users or other devices too, so if its only for some devices, this extension is great!
2021-01-10 Fortunat Golovakov It is a rare property, it is highly recommended to use it if you need it. I am not a trustee. I am also a user. It is very powerful. I have used it for 2 months.
Fortunat Golovakov
en It is a rare property, it is highly recommended to use it if you need it. I am not a trustee. I am also a user. It is very powerful. I have used it for 2 months.
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