HubSpot Social

Share and publish to HubSpot from anywhere on the web.

Total ratings

3.46 (Rating count: 39)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Seamless integration with HubSpot account
  • Easily drafts social messages from highlighted text
  • Tracks scheduled and published posts automatically
  • Doesn't work or sign in for many users
  • Inconsistent functionality - requires account selection each time
  • Errors in the overlay and screen dimming with no response
Most mentioned
  • Doesn't work anymore / not functional
  • Error messages and issues with signing in
  • Positive user experiences when it functions correctly
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 3.46
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Rating filters

5 star
46% (11)
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4% (1)
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4% (1)
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46% (11)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Paul Diaz
es No abre, la probé en 3 equipos, y tiene bug
John Pettit
en Works well, but it used to mirror my default account from HubSpot and now I have to select the account every time. That's kind of annoying.
Emma Lonsdale
Jason Feimster
en Doesn't work anymore. Can't signin.
Karoline Vincelet
fr Ne fonctionne pas du tout pour moi. Je n'ai même pas accès aux options.
Bhavin Joshi
en Has anyone got this working? I tried in both normal & incognito window. But it does nothing.
Ebarak Hossain
en Doesn't work at all. Rubbish.
Dany Elías Cisneros
es No he podido usarla. Selecciono un texto con clic derecho y al darle clic al botón de la extensión me aparece una ventana en la que me pide una cuenta pero lo peor de todo es que no me deja poner ninguna. Si es una extensión de usuarios de pago de Hubspot deberían decirla. Elemental.
Rick Powell
en I get an error in the overlay: Sorry, an error has occurred. Return to Dashboard. Clicking link creates an overlay over the top of the website I was trying to share. There's no way to escape out of it without going all the way back.
Lamees Abourahma
en I love this tool. I can easily highlight any text on a page I want to share, click the little icon and the social message is automatically drafted for me. It integrates seamlessly with our HubSpot account. Scheduled and published posts from this plug-in are automatically logged and tracked into our HubSpot account.
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