

About the plugin: This is a tool made for automated research of organic keyword ranks in Amazon search. It automatically collects…

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Madalin I.
Madalin I.
en Great tool that has significantly streamlined my product research process. I'm now able to spend around 90% less time on researching products and analyzing variations compared to my previous workflow. The extension's ability to neatly capture and organize all the relevant data at the variation level is quite unique and extremely useful for gaining a complete understanding of the product landscape. The way the data is presented is very clear and easy to digest, allowing me to quickly see all the key information I need about each product variation. Recommend!
Andres De Abreu
Andres De Abreu
Michael Shackelford
Michael Shackelford
en I recently started using this tool for automated research of organic keyword ranks on Amazon, and it's been a game-changer for my business. The ability to automatically collect ASINs from Amazon search results based on specific queries and then have those selections enriched with data from external sources has streamlined my product research process immensely. One of the standout features is how it integrates seamlessly with Airtable, allowing for easy management and analysis of the data collected. This has saved me countless hours that I used to spend manually gathering and inputting data, enabling me to focus more on strategy and less on tedious tasks. The tool's user interface is intuitive, making it easy for someone like me, who isn't very tech-savvy, to navigate and utilize its features to the fullest. It's clear that a lot of thought went into making this tool as user-friendly as possible. The insights gained from using this tool have been invaluable. I'm now able to make more informed decisions about the products I choose to sell on Amazon, leading to better product positioning and, ultimately, increased sales. It's given me a competitive edge that I didn't have before. Customer support has also been excellent. Any questions or issues I've had were promptly addressed by their responsive team, which has made my overall experience even better. In summary, this tool is a must-have for anyone serious about selling on Amazon. It simplifies the product selection process, provides deep insights, and saves a tremendous amount of time. I highly recommend it to any seller looking to optimize their Amazon strategy.