Compare Chrome extensions: Cast with MkChromecast vs PlayTo for Chromecast™

Stats Cast with MkChromecast Cast with MkChromecast PlayTo for Chromecast™ PlayTo for Chromecast™
User count 80,000+ 200,000+
Average rating 3.16 3.93
Rating count 68 7,521
Last updated 2018-03-02 2020-06-16
Size 5.59K 98.92K
Version 0.0.1 1.6.0
Short description
Casts videos in pages like youtube via MkChromecast Allows you to send any internet videos to Chromecast™
Full summary

Casts videos in pages like youtube via MkChromecast Right-click links and pages to cast videos. Works on nearly every website thanks to youtube-dl.

Powered by play-with-mpv which requires several dependencies, see website for more info.

  1. Install this chrome extension
  2. Install Python 2 or 3 and pip
  3. Install MkChromecast: pip install git+git:// --user
  4. Install server: pip install git+git:// --user
  5. Run server: play-with-mpv or use linux shortcut
  6. (optional) Autostart on linux: cp ~/.local/share/applications/ ~/.config/autostart/

Basically allows you to easily detect videos that can be played using the Chromecast™ device and suggest you to play them directly by a simple click.

Watching videos on your Chromecast™ will be as easier as surfing the web looking for some videos in almost all the existing video pages.