ElectricCommander Syntax Highlighting

ElectricCommander Syntax Highlighting

[BETA] This extension adds syntax highlighting to the editStep page in the ElectricCommander UI.

Total ratings for ElectricCommander Syntax Highlighting
4.92 (Rating count: 13)
See reviews for ElectricCommander Syntax Highlighting on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for ElectricCommander Syntax Highlighting
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 4.92
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Laurent Rochette
Laurent Rochette
I recommend it to all my customers.
2014-05-19 Nitin Parashar It's quite awesome and very convenient to use.
Brian Myers
Brian Myers
The syntax highlighting is great! It is so much easier to read long commands and scripts and the line numbers make it easier to trace errors in the output to the source in the script.
Marco Morales
Marco Morales
Prior to this plug-in, I had to rely on TEA to open up the contents in an external editor. As a frequent EC user, this is going to save me tons of time over the long run. Bravo!
2013-04-11 Ken Thomas Excellent! I had a syntax error in some Perl code in a step. I installed the syntax highlighter and immediately spotted my missing quote.
2013-04-05 A Google user As a frequent scripter within Commander steps, this is a godsend! No more constant copying and pasting back and forth between Eclipse and the browser.
A Google user
en As a frequent scripter within Commander steps, this is a godsend! No more constant copying and pasting back and forth between Eclipse and the browser.