Better Speedy Meetings for Google Calendar

Create meetings in Google Calendar that start later, rather than end earlier.

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3.00 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for Better Speedy Meetings for Google Calendar on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.00

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Charlie Croom
en Great idea and would be super helpful, but does not appear to work. Tried changing the time and checking/unchecking the box, and just doesn't seem to transform meetings when you make them on the calendar.
Axel Queffeulou
en Well, it seems the 45min meeting does not work as it transform itself into a 0min meeting. Otherwise, pretty good.
Tom Collett
en Huge time-saver over having to do this manually. Starting my meetings 5 minutes later makes my day run much better.
Shuo Song