LGBTQ Travel Warning

LGBTQ Travel Warning

Alerts you when booking travel to locations with dangerously backwards LGBTQ+ laws like Uzbekistan, Uganda, Russia, and Florida

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5.00 (Rating count: 9)
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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Sasha Ihnatovich
Sasha Ihnatovich
Such a brilliant concept to keep our fellow travelers in the know and aware of the hidden truths that advertisements often overlook.
Tommy Penner
Tommy Penner
Unfortunate that this type of service is required in this day and age, but really appreciate that it exists. Open source is also great for this type of thing. Thanks!
Serena Sandweiss
Serena Sandweiss
Amazing and really useful idea! Will certainly help me make more conscious travel decisions and particularly makes me think about what the money I spend as a tourist is going to support (ahem Florida!)
Loved it! It's a brilliant concept to keep fellow travellers well-informed and alert about the realities that advertisements might not reveal.
Irene Polnyi
Irene Polnyi
Cool idea - helps remind people right at the point of purchase exactly what kind of environment they're heading into
Matt Lehrer
Matt Lehrer
Good reminders at the right time and I'm glad to see it's open source. Simple and smart. Thanks for doing this work.