

Celestia gives you daily horoscope updates and one-click access to your fully personalized natal chart and zodiac constellation map.

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2.71 (Rating count: 17)
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Months ago I was able to use it and LOVED it its not even that easy to get an app with natal chart + daily horoscope, now it became totally obsolète because i'm in Europe this is very unfair for us Europeans if anyone has an alternative for Europe let me know this app doesn't like me anymore yet it was the best one 😢
2020-11-23 krystal rain None of the signs on my natal chart are correct. It's completely inaccurate, which makes it pointless.
2020-11-17 ODALYS CARDONA It said it would give you a natal chart . If you do not know anything in Astrology, the relation from one sign to another has not meaning for the layperson .
doesnt work! i made an account and put in my birth info, and the popup that comes up when i click the extension is just blank. the only website i can access is my account settings page. :/
Inspiration for the people
Inspiration for the people
How do I even use this? I added it and I have no idea how to use it.
2020-10-13 Lenore Torrence After reading the previous reviews I was a little nervous, but thought why not see if the previously reported gripes were resolved. I like that it got my sun, moon, and rising correct. I hope I grow to love it so it's not in the friend zone. Maybe next year around this time I'll update my review.
Mercury Jones
Mercury Jones
Your ascendant calculation is off. All the other planet placements were correct. I'm Sag rising, it gave me Cancer, which really makes no sense.
2020-09-30 Jenna Johnson my birth time and place is correct and it is showing incorrect moon and asc results.
Kayelina Publico
Kayelina Publico
It was cute but like others said it got my chart wrong. It was close except for my ascendant. Wholeheartedly a Leo rising LOL
Shadow Maeven
Shadow Maeven
I don't feel comfortable putting any rating I just want to leave a note that there might be an issue with your extension. It says that my email is already in use and so went to forgot my password because I had never used the site before to my knowledge or extension. But I'm always looking to continue educating myself. When I selected forgotten password it then says bad email. So I am unable to use my email to sign up and it is saying when I attempt to retrieve a password its a bad email. Just wanted to let you know if you might be having this issue more than me. :)
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