Group Tabs

Group tabs by domain.

Total ratings

4.38 (Rating count: 13)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • Allows for efficient grouping and sorting of tabs
  • Helps in navigating through multiple open tabs
  • Useful for research and managing multiple projects
  • Does not save tab groups
  • Automatically groups single tabs, which is seen as meaningless
  • Cannot group by name
Most mentioned
  • Good utility
  • Convenient for managing tabs
  • Frustration with automatic grouping and lack of saving functionality
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.38
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Bartłomiej Kucharzyk
Flugel Beckenbauer
ja 「散らかってきたなぁ」ぐらいでグループ化できるのがこの拡張機能の良いところです。 最初こちらの拡張機能を見た時「なぜ自動でグルーピングするようにしなかったんだろう」と思いましたが、自動でグループ化されるのは便利なようで便利では無い事があります。例えば調べものをしていたら突然全く別の用途で開いていたタブとグループ化されてしまうことがあります。これは使っていて結構ストレスを感じました。そこでこちらの拡張機能の意図が初めて理解できました。 ただし一つだけ・・・メニューの文字をもう少し大きくしてくれるとありがたいです。
Andrey Pro
Jaime Hoover
en I use this constantly (why else would I have downloaded it, yeah?). It works exactly as it says and it works well. It has a simple and intuitive interface. I've not noticed any lag and I can have seventy tabs open at a time. I know, I'm a monster ;). I'm happy to be able to sort and group my tabs. I can also save or close them once I have moved on to another project (temporarily or permanently respectively). It makes it far easier to navigate through open tabs. Question: why not just use the bookmark feature or reading list? This gives me immediate access with dynamic grouping. It's useful for research or managing multiple projects simultaneously (as mentioned), as it helps to keep related information consolidated. It allows for workflow optimization; an efficient and temporary grouping option for pages I don't want to bookmark but will have longer than a temporary reading list. Think of a development project. It's ongoing for a while and if I bookmark every reference, I end up with a lot of unnecessary clutter that I'll just have to clean up later. Tab groups are quick - easily removed without having to sort through my bookmark folders and files. So, yeah, it's useful and worth a pinned spot.
Tau Origin
en please add OTHER for tabs that do not have a group, this is very convenient in other similar extensions.
Valentin Degenne (vdegenne)
Valentin Degenne
en Nice!
Mad Man
Good utility, I just wish it didn't put single tabs into groups, it's meaningless
Mad Man
en Good utility, I just wish it didn't put single tabs into groups, it's meaningless
moi lois
does not save tabs groups.
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