Safe Search Tools

Safe Search Tools

Change your default search engine in Chrome address bar to improve your privacy.

Total ratings for Safe Search Tools
4.87 (Rating count: 31)
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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.87
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en too many bots
артур кругляков
артур кругляков
en The Safe Search Tools plugin is designed to improve the security of your online searches. It will help you feel more confident by prioritizing your digital security. The plugin filters malicious and potentially dangerous content, providing a more secure search on the Internet. Thanks to this, you will be able to browse the web with more confidence in their security. It is recommended to install to improve the online experience and provide an additional level of protection.
Denis Efimov
Denis Efimov
en I am thrilled with this browser plugin! SafeSearchTools really helps me feel confident when browsing the web. I can easily manage my online environment by customising the settings according to my preferences. Also, I have noticed that my privacy is protected thanks to this plugin. It secures my personal information and prevents it from falling into the wrong hands.
Анна Семёнова
Анна Семёнова
en This plugin is truly exceptional! It not only lives up to its promises but surpasses expectations. The functionality is top-notch, delivering an outstanding performance. If you're in search of a plugin that not only works well but works exceptionally well, look no further. Highly impressed and satisfied with its flawless operation!
Martin Tyson
Martin Tyson
en SafeSearchTools is a game-changer! It seamlessly transforms your default Chrome search engine, boosting privacy and ensuring a safer online experience. This browser extension is your go-to companion for secure and smart web browsing. Highly recommend for those who prioritize online safety and privacy. A must-have tool for a worry-free online journey!
en For several months now, the SafeSearchTools extension has been a vital component of my online journey. It empowers me to manage my digital surroundings by tailoring my browsing settings to align with my personal preferences. 😊🌐🛠️🔒
Igor Sapognikov
Igor Sapognikov
en I use this application and I really like it. Suspicious content is ignored, which I really need, so that the information from my gadget is not stolen by scammers. For greater confidence and security against hacking and fraud of your data, you can safely recommend and not worry about information leakage into the wrong hands.
Aleks Shepard
Aleks Shepard
en I use this extension when I shop online. Previously, the search engine had information about me: what I was interested in on the Internet, etc. Because of this, there was simply a large flow of advertising on various websites and social networks. Now there is much less advertising + I am not worried about data confidentiality. I'll add that now the search bag gives more accurate results for my queries, I spend less time double-checking information
Mark Young
Mark Young
en The extension is excellent - but three stars for imposing my own search engine, I myself will decide what to set by default. Are there any plans to release an application for Windows? And integration of crypto wallets into the browser? You can turn up the speed a little more and there will be fire! If you can't find something, PUT a + in front of the word to return more sites related to that word. For example: +Cats and dogs Will show more about cats in the search results.
Denis Brown
Denis Brown
en All declared functions are present in reality.
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