Advanced Download Manager

Advanced Download Manager

Manage downloads using a simple interface and top-notch tools.

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4.73 (Rating count: 41)
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Kenneth Smith
Kenneth Smith
In my experience, the most I've got to successfully download is 2 files. I've queued up 4 or 5, it pauses the queued files like it's supposed to, but when the first one finishes, the files in queue will fail upon start. I get "Failed - Server problem" error.
Kamrul Hasan Bhuiyan
Kamrul Hasan Bhuiyan
It is good. But I want to suggest one thing, from the recently downloaded panel, user should use drag and drop the respective file, it would be a good move for productivity
Michael C.
Michael C.
I remember back in the day when there was a down loader like this but it went away years ago. I stumbled on this and decided to give it a try. I am very happy to find it has even improved over the old one. I just wish I could drag the file to a different folder and have it remember where that was or at least set the destination. I use different folders out of the downloads for images and videos, etc... I would like to remove the big black bar from the bottom of the browser that is redundant and unnecessary to open the recently downloaded file too... Thank you for building a hassle free down loader anyway!
White Paws
White Paws
Beautiful UI but still shows download bar at bottom. Could you hide this?
Luis Enrique
Luis Enrique
Excelente extensión! Solo que me falto una traducción al español, para que se integre mejor a mi sistema.
Trisha B
Trisha B
This extension is pretty much perfect. Back in Operas adolescent days you could route your file types but they did away with that option several years ago. I was so disappointed by that and had just accepted that it was a lost feature. Then comes this amazing extension that has everything in it I have missed for years in one of my favorite browsers. Thank you so much for bringing feature that back!
Danny Wilfong
Danny Wilfong
Best downloader so far, I love it. But I truly wish: 1 - You could click the popup and open the file that was downloaded. Maybe also right-click to open folder. 2 - My dark theme icon is supposed to be blue (I set it). It starts blue but turns dark after I download something, and I can't even see it after that! 3 - Although the window size of downloads is ideal, there could be a setting to adjust it.
thanks for awesome interface
Smadi _100ping
Smadi _100ping
The queue of downloads has a problem when the files are huge like 5Gb or something like that but it work perfectly with the small files under 1gb after all it's good
2021-04-06 Jacob Deon It has problem with downloading exe files.After exe file is finished ,a pop up shows up saying it can harm your computer and if keep is clicked it, will exit the Vivaldi browser.r.But if i disabled this extension and tried other few extensions they are fine.
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