Compare Chrome extensions: Quick Color Converter vs FreshEyes

Stats Quick Color Converter Quick Color Converter FreshEyes FreshEyes
User count 318 235
Average rating 4.00 4.67
Rating count 4 3
Last updated 2016-06-15 2015-04-26
Size 102.08K 109.57K
Version 1.0.1 1.0
Short description
Quickly convert to and from HEX and RGB. Adapts webpage for color blind people.
Full summary

Super simple Hex <-> RGB color converter! Useful for designers and developers.

Simply enter a valid hex or rgb value and click "Convert". You will immediately be presented with both the original and converted value ready to copy/paste. The background of the popup will even transition to the entered color to give you a preview!

Supported conversions: Hex -> RGB RGB -> Hex

Bonus - In addition to valid hex and rgb values, the converter also accepts the following color strings to convert to hex and RGB:

aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure

See more

Fresh Eyes is an extension that adds an accessibility function for individuals with red-green color vision deficiencies. It contains several selectable modes to allow the user to optimize the color spectrum of various web content.

Easy to use, with immediate effect, Fresh Eyes is a step in making the web more vibrant for everyone!

The modes are as follows: NoFilter - As expected (#nofilter)

HueRotate - Highest color contrast for red-green color deficiencies (180 degree hue rotation)

TrueColor - Reduces appearance of colors indistinguishable to red-green color deficient individuals and intensifies contrast between the remaining red/green values for optimal contrast. (color matrix transformation)

TrueColorG - Like TrueColor, but with added gamma correction to make shadows darker without increasing brightness. (It increases contrast without distorting the colors)

TrueColorD - Like TrueColor, but with more color saturation more similar to unfiltered (slight desaturation)

TrueColorN - True Color with a slightly different optimization for user preference.