Porto - Import your Tweets to Bluesky

A chrome extension to import all your tweets to bluesky at a click of a button

Total ratings

3.42 (Rating count: 24)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and straightforward interface
  • Successfully imports tweets and related media for many users
  • Good for transferring a large volume of content from Twitter to Bluesky
  • Links in tweets often become broken or are not preserved during import
  • Issues with username/password validation, preventing access for some users
  • No option to filter imported tweets based on keywords or hashtags
Most mentioned
  • Broken links after import
  • Successful import of tweets and media overall
  • Issues with importing images, often showing only one image from multiple images tweets
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Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.42
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
yann ;
en Works like a charm!
Jaja GUILLAUME (Jaja Artiste PlasticiENNE)
fr Sur iMac, j'ai mis l'extension PORTO (pour CHROME) pour transférer mon Archive X sur BLUESKY. Si je me connecte à BLUESKY, je n'ai aucun souci avec mon identifiant et mot de passe. Si j'ouvre l'extension PORTO et tape mon même identifiant et mot de passe de Bluesky, j'ai un message qui m'indique : Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe invalide. J'ai recommencé 10 fois, ça ne fonctionne pas; J'ai re-essayé avec l'extension , SKY follower Bridge : même résultat.
Theodore Schmiechen
en Awesome tool to move off of that cesspool X/Twitter and save your posts! Worked perfectly. Highly recommended.
Eric “eric T.”
fr A très bien fonctionné pour moi.
Eden B
en Updating/Reposting the review to reflect the version of 13th Dec 2024 / version 1.2.5: Importing tweets works for the most part but any tweet over a certain length with a link breaks the link. This leads to potentially importing lots of tweets linking out to videos and webpages but them not making sense since the imported link is broken. The issue was known back on 1.2.3, so not sure if not a priority to fix / wasn't able to be fixed.
en Doesn't want to work for me. I tried it out for 2 different twitter accounts, my main and a backup. I get a supposed successful import Import Summary Total tweets found: 19 Successfully imported: 19 Skipped: 0 (retweets, replies, or outside date range) But my Bluesky remains devoid of any new posts
Kenneth Aitchison
en worked perfectly from me!
Hirayama Kujuro
en So far, so good...with the exception that some of the hyperlinks from X/Twitter being imported are not populating fully/correctly when converted to Bluesky. I believe it's due to the script pulling the (shortened) X/tweet link instead of the actual full link. (e.g., kind of like LinkedIn does when you post a link to an article, it posts a shortened link on the actual post.) If your support team could correct this, that would be great...as I'm seeing broken links/no page found errors due to the shortened links (for whatever reason) no longer connecting to the correct web page, so change the scrip to pull the full link vs. shortened one(s). Also, be sure to let users know that they should import the FOLDER that gets extracted from the *.zip file. So, your directions should read as follows: Download your archive data from Twitter/X. Extract the zip file. Upload the extracted FOLDER into the extension. Analyze the tweets, proceed, minimize the window and monitor progress until completion. I hope this helps!
Nick Gillham
en Keeps telling me my username and password aren't valid despite them working with the browser Bluesky and Skybridge for migrating my follows. A lack of troubleshooting guide really hurts this.
David Berman
en I've tried uploading every folder that Twitter provided. There are hundreds of them. The app won't accept any. It says it can't find tweets.js I don't have folder called tweets.js
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