Temp Mail

Temp Mail

Temp Mail allows you to easily keep your email address clean and safe from spam and hackers by providing you temporary email

Total ratings for Temp Mail
4.10 (Rating count: 10)
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Recent rating average: 3.38
All time rating average: 4.10
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38% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Peter Winter
Peter Winter
en Yandex tries to index the URL you just visited, russia wants your data.
ru Спасибо! Очень полезное расширение, всегда думал, что удобнее было бы, если бы вместо сайта было такое расширение
SI Polash
SI Polash
Better than temp mail.org.
Google User
Google User
SECURITY ISSUE There is a security issue with this plugin! When the plugin is enabled, if you visit a website, within 30 seconds, YandexBot tries to index the URL you just visited. It ONLY occurs when this plugin is enabled, and the page is 100% unpublished and hidden, so there's absolutely no way YandexBot can know about it within 10 seconds. I have repeated this with several file names to confirm, and confirmed it is only with this plugin. I will have to uninstall this for now as this is a tracking issue. - - [26/Aug/2022:06:35:26 -0500] "GET /SECRET-PAGE-UNPUBLISHED HTTP/2" 200 503 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +http://yandex.com/bots)" "hostname.hostname" I will update my review if the publisher kindly addresses this issue.
en SECURITY ISSUE There is a security issue with this plugin! When the plugin is enabled, if you visit a website, within 30 seconds, YandexBot tries to index the URL you just visited. It ONLY occurs when this plugin is enabled, and the page is 100% unpublished and hidden, so there's absolutely no way YandexBot can know about it within 10 seconds. I have repeated this with several file names to confirm, and confirmed it is only with this plugin. I will have to uninstall this for now as this is a tracking issue. - - [26/Aug/2022:06:35:26 -0500] "GET /SECRET-PAGE-UNPUBLISHED HTTP/2" 200 503 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +http://yandex.com/bots)" "hostname.hostname" I will update my review if the publisher kindly addresses this issue.
Сергей Друзь
Сергей Друзь
Нормально всё❗
Charradi Hamza
Charradi Hamza
Loved it
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