Card to Calendar

Card to Calendar

Take cards from Google Now in Gmail and add them to your calendar.

Total ratings for Card to Calendar
4.57 (Rating count: 7)
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Recent reviews for Card to Calendar
Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.57
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Donghan Li
Donghan Li
What a time saver! It works for multiple legs of flight as well, but you have to tab to each flight segment to add one at a time, which leaves room for improvement. I don't understand why Gmail hasn't made the feature native yet, but this plugin fills the void at the meantime. Great job!
Cristiana Camardella
Cristiana Camardella
It works exactly as shown on the picture. Personally, I installed it and had to close Chrome before it worked the first time, but it did work after I reopened it. Also, since it only takes the information provided in the cards, it does not recognize the year and it always defaults to the current year. Other than that, it's very useful to save keystrokes!!
2014-09-10 A Google user Very nice! Work just like it should. It would be a 5 star if it worked in split mode. It will do the trick until Gmail make it native.
Paul Hastings
Paul Hastings
Very helpful. Worked just like the screenshots. Now I just wish that Google would make this a native feature of Gmail and Google Now.
Thomas Opperer
Thomas Opperer
it is working now, quite handy the feature.