Character Counter

Online character counter for ads on Facebook, Adwords and SEO. Tool with character limitation for SEO and SEM.

Total ratings

3.57 (Rating count: 7)
See reviews for Character Counter on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.25
All time rating average: 3.57

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Pat MySecret
Poorly described. I believe that this is meant as a character limiter for Facebook.. not a character counter in the generally understood form.
Pat MySecret
en Poorly described. I believe that this is meant as a character limiter for Facebook.. not a character counter in the generally understood form.
John G
Was simply unable to get the extension to work on multiple sites, including Instagram and a program for work requiring max character counts. The search continues...
John G
en Was simply unable to get the extension to work on multiple sites, including Instagram and a program for work requiring max character counts. The search continues...
LaKeith Reed
Just what I was looking for!!!
LaKeith Reed
en Just what I was looking for!!!
Jonathan Gilmore
Clean and quick to use. Pop up box to paste your text into. This just works! Perfectly!
J Morgan
en Clean and quick to use. Pop up box to paste your text into. This just works! Perfectly!