Wisary Review Assistant

Wisary Review Assistant

Have AI review your planning documents.

Total ratings for Wisary Review Assistant
5.00 (Rating count: 9)
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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Yaara Guetta-Weidberg
Yaara Guetta-Weidberg
en This was so very helpful for me as a product lead, for my team, and our whole R&D team. Can't wait to see more of what's coming. I found the 'technical review' with Wisary to be an essential step of our planning & design process.
Tim Skaggs
Tim Skaggs
This is awesome—helped so much with our investor memo!
David Xiao
David Xiao
en Very insightful for reviewing multiple types of docs in product lifecycle!
Licheng Xiao
Licheng Xiao
en Very insightful for reviewing multiple types of docs in product lifecycle!
Anat Heilper
Anat Heilper
en Great product! it helps elevating the requirements document to a higher level of maturity, which helps all the relevant stakeholders
Efraim Grynberg
Efraim Grynberg
en Wisary brings perspectives of all stakeholders as I'm working on planning. Wisary saves me tons of meetings and the necessity for multiple alignment sessions. It is truly a productivity booster.
Ala Stolpnik
Ala Stolpnik
en Sometimes it feels like Wisary is reading my mind. It helps me define consistent and complete product requirements time after time.
Kristin Lindquist
Kristin Lindquist
en Great easy-to-use tool for optimization of requirements docs!
Sanjay Bhatia
Sanjay Bhatia
en This has been a great to help me out with understanding where I need to improve in my investment memo and suggesting very specific changes that could be made to make it winning. I highly recommend it.
Gavin Fynbo
Gavin Fynbo
en Amazing tool to help review documents without having an expert nearby!
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