Tasks For Trello

Turns a Trello list into a tasklist

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4.60 (Rating count: 10)
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Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.60

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Elon Tusk
this is what I've been looking for, i love checking off tasks but also want it archived after and I assume the premium version has this feature? The only problem is it only allow google linked Trello account to upgrade which is a pity. Other than that this extension is cool.
I loved this, but now it randomly marks tasks as completed every time I load Trello. How can I fix this?
Garfield Garfield
Excellent and is the kind of thing would be included in a default upgrade of the Trello App. It's a no brainer. There is one thing I see missing that hopefully can be added as an upgrade to this extension. When a user clicks the checkbox the card is automatically moved to any list in a board named "Done". Less dragging the better.
Cindy Tam
Love! Love! Love! Use it everyday!!
Ben Holmquist
Good stuff. Googled your app and couldn't even find it, instead routed to Next Step for trello, but that requires checklists within each card which takes considerably more effort. I just have 1 task per card, order them through the day, and used to send them to a "done" list. Lame. This is better than Next Up and definitely helpful. Thanks!
D. Attridge
It took me a few minutes to figure out how to activate. Then I felt silly I didn't see it. But in case you are looking - the check on or off for each board is near the top left near the team members. And then POOF .. your items have check marks. I can't believe trello don't offer this. THANK YOU for keeping this little project alive for us.
Brandon Wu
A brilliant and simple extension that turns Trello into a proper tool for project (and life admin) management for me!
Michael Cann
I like it, but then again I would :)