Youtube Grid Search Result

Making youtube grid search results

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4.64 (Rating count: 11)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en If video contains chapter,it will not be seen entirely by horizontal.
Pania Cope
en Perfect! just what I needed thanks! : )
red deep
Please fix the text overflow issue
red deep
en Please fix the text overflow issue
Tony S.
Good idea and mostly works as described. However, there's a bug where the description and chapter texts would overflow into the adjacent grid boxes, making them unreadable as it would overlap with that grid's own text. Also, in large monitors (2K), the fact that there are only 4 boxes per row (4 columns) means that the right half of the screen would be empty. It would be great to either resize the thumbnails to fill in those spaces or expand the grid so that each row has more boxes (more columns in the table). Having a menu that allows selection between each of these options would be even better!
Tony S.
en Good idea and mostly works as described. However, there's a bug where the description and chapter texts would overflow into the adjacent grid boxes, making them unreadable as it would overlap with that grid's own text. Also, in large monitors (2K), the fact that there are only 4 boxes per row (4 columns) means that the right half of the screen would be empty. It would be great to either resize the thumbnails to fill in those spaces or expand the grid so that each row has more boxes (more columns in the table). Having a menu that allows selection between each of these options would be even better!
Ismale L
hi dear dev, thank you so much on this extension! Can you please give us opinion to select how many thumbnail per row? That would be a life saver for me!
Ismale L
en hi dear dev, thank you so much on this extension! Can you please give us opinion to select how many thumbnail per row? That would be a life saver for me!
Huy Bac
Amazing, Keep up bro!!
Huy Bac
en Amazing, Keep up bro!!
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