Optiseller Lite

Optiseller Lite

Perform health checks on your eBay listings, create new listings smoothly & review, fix & relist or delist stale listings.

Total ratings for Optiseller Lite
2.33 (Rating count: 3)
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All time rating average: 2.33
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Gregory Wu
Gregory Wu
en Doesn't work properly. Installed the extension, first step is login to Ebay. Well, I'm already logged in. I'm always logged in. I click the login button anyway and choose 'Ebay US'. Sends me to Ebay.co.uk. Can't get it to login to Ebay US. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Same thing. When I go to the Seller Hub, which is step 2, on my already logged in Ebay.com account, sends me back to the extension instruction page. So it basically makes it so you can't access Seller Hub. If you can't get that right, why would I want to pay for your service?
Machedon Adrian
Machedon Adrian
It gives the suggestion perfectly what to change, add, edit. But wen you apply them it doesn't. if that would work will be definitely a 5 star!!!