App AutoStart

Automatically launch applications on startup. Great for setting up app-specific user profiles

Total ratings

3.00 (Rating count: 18)
See reviews for App AutoStart on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.78
All time rating average: 3.00

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56% (5)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
My Kind Of Minecraft Guys
As soon as I installed it, the extension opened a tab which had very bad UI; then when I wanted it to launch something it got the chrome error: "The file was moved or deleted." Even though it wasn't and I could still open it manually, don't download.
Uzi Forex
Solita baracca, lancia la prima app dell'elenco che hai impostato e poi si pianta
Rick Shide
fails for every app
It may have worked perfectly fine at one point, but about the only thing it successfully would do for me (as of April 2017) is launch youtube.Shame.
Marky Mark
I may be wrong but this seems to only be able to control five google apps. Pretty pointless if that’s the case. I was hoping it wold control other non-Google apps / programs as well. Please correct me if I’m wrong
Nicholas Richard
Doesn't seem to work for WorkFlowy or Wunderlist which are the only 2 apps I actually want autostarting :D Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Seems like it doesn't work for a lot of apps.
2016-06-01 Jenny Sanchez Didn't work for the app I wanted to autostart, Owl reminders
Bryan Tan
doesn't work for app
Don Schmitt
Works perfectly! I use it with a unique chrome user for Pandora.