Compare Chrome extensions: Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder vs Rikaichan

Stats Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder Rikaichan Rikaichan
User count 1,000,000+ 9,000+
Average rating 4.61 4.28
Rating count 17,230 18
Last updated 2024-04-21 2017-11-28
Size 30.53M 664.58K
Version 9.9577.997.9989 4.0.3
Short description
Capture FULL page screenshots. Edit and save screenshots. Record screencasts - record video from your screen. Record how-to guides. Japanese dictionary
Full summary

★ Used by Several Million users on different platforms ★

✔ Screen capture whole or partial screenshots on any size of screen. ✔ Annotate and edit screenshots in our powerful image editor. ✔ Record video from your screen and webcam using the video recorder. ✔ Record step-by-step guides and tutorials. ✔ Trim and Crop. ✔ Use our editor features such as background color change, color change text, etc. to make your simple images and captures more colorful and memorable. ✔ Convert video to gif and mp4 in our video recorder. ✔ Quickly Upload and Share online screenshots and screencasts using the capture tool.

📷 Capture screenshots

▸ Make a full page screenshot or a specific section of the page through scrolling screenshot using our screenshot software (screenshot capture). ▸ Supports scrolling when capturing from web pages.

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Japanese dictionary extension. Japanese to English/German/French/Russian dictionary. Just hover the mouse on top of a word, and a popup appears. Automatically de-inflects verbs and adjectives. Detailed kanji view.

Dictionaries Please download and import one or more dictionary files to use with Rikaichan.