Watchtime Tracker

Track your activity on Youtube and Twitch

Total ratings

4.16 (Rating count: 97)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Accurate tracking of watch time, including 2x playback speed
  • Provides useful statistics on video consumption
  • Helps users manage and limit their YouTube time effectively
  • User-friendly for desktop YouTube tracking
  • Issues with data accuracy, displaying incorrect watch time
  • Problems with account creation and sign-in processes
  • Occasional bugs such as channels reappearing after deletion
  • Lack of ability to reset daily watch time
Most mentioned
  • Need for improved data accuracy
  • Desire for account sync feature
  • Request for additional tracking options or features
  • Design improvements suggested
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.16
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
de Das Addon funktioniert super! Aber wo ist der Sinn, wenn ich nicht sehe ab welchem Datum die Statistik angefangen hat? Man hat einen guten Überblick, was man am meisten schaut, aber ich würde es gut finden, wenn man auch wüsste was + wie lange und *seit wann* geschaut hat. Oder habe ich was übersehen?
Harry Gundone
en good extension, 4/5 for not the newest design. if you update it design it will be 5. thx
Robert Sand (pepzi)
en great extension!
Engr. JD
en I loved it. Nice
Finn Grogan
en need to add an account feature to sync data but aside from that its goated
Armin Maisch
de Nicht schlecht!
it Quando cerco di eliminare i canali youtube me li cancella, poi riapro l'estensione, e ricompaiono continuamente. Inoltre un altro GRAVISSIMO ERRORE. Ho guardato video di un tipo per un totale di un ora e 17 minuti, quest'estensione me l'ha contato per 8 ORE E 7 MINUTI soltanto perché avevo le schede del video aperte, ma non stava andando. Chiaramente qualcosa non va con questa estensione, risolvete.
en Very good, does what you downloaded it for so i dont see any point in giving less than what it deserves.
22 Studios
en Kindly I was suffering by habit of using/scrolling Youtube even I am an aspirant , So from now I can navigate myself for how much time that I should limit the Youtube because of only of this ... One of the Best ❤️
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