Compact Chat

Compact Chat

Helps to make the Google Chat more compact.

Total ratings for Compact Chat
3.60 (Rating count: 10)
See reviews for Compact Chat on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Compact Chat
Recent rating average: 2.33
All time rating average: 3.60
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67% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
wolfie 39076
wolfie 39076
it wont work
Petr Menzel
Petr Menzel
does not work...
Matt Pugh
Matt Pugh
I literally can't believe that such an amazing extension has been created. Really. It's changed my life, I no longer need to leave the house for groceries or social interactions -- this extension takes care of it all. It's one of those things, like the into riff from Led Zeppelin's 'Whole Lotta Love' - something that, in hindsight, seemed so simple yet no one had the tenacity to channel it from the ether beforehand. This is such a phenomena. Install it - upgrade your life to 2.0.