FBDS Direct - Facebook Dropshipping Made Easy

FBDS Direct - Facebook Dropshipping Made Easy

Simplify Facebook dropshipping with automatic importing of products and orders, and direct fulfillment from FBDSDirect.com.

Total ratings for FBDS Direct - Facebook Dropshipping Made Easy
4.43 (Rating count: 7)
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Recent reviews for FBDS Direct - Facebook Dropshipping Made Easy
Recent rating average: 4.43
All time rating average: 4.43
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
МяО Pandao
МяО Pandao
not work
2021-06-17 q shine Never expected it to work so great. I love it. :0 I swear dropshipping sounds easy, actually not that's easy. I'm always looking for new tools. There is another one, also worth a try:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/esdropshipping/acpefmnnjpbkagapjjmpggamglkjemoj
2021-03-19 qian liu It makes dropshipping so much easier!
2021-03-19 Johan How Easy to use and understand. Very helpful in keeping track of FB marketplace orders
Thomas Cui
Thomas Cui
You can earn money from it and risk free!
Peng Han
Peng Han
It saves me 80% of time for day-to-day order processing and finally make Facebook selling a viable business. Besides, FBDS Direct has been a reliable supplier that stands behind their products. Whenever I got return/refund/replacement request from my customers, I just contact FBDS Direct support with related proof. They would refund me without any issue. To me, this is the biggest plus for any dropshipper.
2021-03-17 Mint Ni I really needed a tool to help me on Facebook dropshipping workflow and FBDS is a life saver. Before it, I had to manually copy&paste buyer addresses in order to fulfill my orders. It takes forever to do and human errors are bound to happen. Now all I need is to click a few buttons and everything is imported automatically, then a few other clicks to fulfill all my orders with a batch payment. Oh did I mention I even got extra discount if I source from them?