Codebreaker AI

Codebreaker AI

Use Codebreaker AI on LinkedIn to decode your prospect's personality and predict their buying behavior to close sales in less time.

Total ratings for Codebreaker AI
4.70 (Rating count: 10)
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Intelligent tool for better understanding of contacts
  • Time saving tool for profiling contacts
  • Helpful in lead generation and understanding people behavior and values
  • Doesn't work for some users
  • Issues reported with logging in and starting up the extension
Most mentioned
  • Helpful communication tool
  • Useful in understanding the values of contacts
  • Assists in building an authentic relationship with people
  • Appreciated for its unique technology
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Recent reviews for Codebreaker AI
Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.70
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82% (9)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Nicole Brown
Nicole Brown
It doesn't work. I've paid for and logged into the extension, and it just sits there and doesn't do anything. I've tried troubleshooting, I've closed and reloaded my browser, I have restarted my computer. There are no updates available for either. I am just at a loss.
Nicole Brown (Elvaholt)
Nicole Brown (Elvaholt)
en It doesn't work. I've paid for and logged into the extension, and it just sits there and doesn't do anything. I've tried troubleshooting, I've closed and reloaded my browser, I have restarted my computer. There are no updates available for either. I am just at a loss.
Cindy Kavanagh
Cindy Kavanagh
Amazing Technology! One World One Language!!!!
Carol L Stanley
Carol L Stanley
This tool is so worth its weight in GOLD. You must be part of our community and learn and use this amazing tool. a gift for you from me!
Solomon Tarosi
Solomon Tarosi
Amazing tool for Lead generation and understanding of people behavior and values in a short time.
Mamie Lamley
Mamie Lamley
Intelligence | Credentials | Community | Opportunity The Codebreaker Artificial Intelligence Chrome Extension is priceless. It is a predictable S.Y.S.T.E.M. (Save Your Self Time, Energy & Money) to get to know contacts I wish to connect and build a community; while self-mastering the use of social media that provide opportunities to build authentic relationships with "like minded" leaders and influencers!
2020-08-02 iVenture Sales Helpful tool to improve communications with a better understanding of your contacts.
Maikel D Andres
Maikel D Andres
People do not want to be sold, but they want to buy! The times of misscommunication are over! Hear a person, understand their needs and values, and then give that person excactly what´s wanted. Perfect tool, not oly for business!
Susan K Younger
Susan K Younger
This tool makes getting to know a new contact easier understanding the values they use in decision making and being able to communicate with them in a way that honors them and makes life easier for you to at the same time.
Glenn Andrew
Glenn Andrew
What a time saving tool for using the AI to code a profile! And it can be added to your BCRM!
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