Compare Chrome extensions: PPC NegativeKeywords Tool vs Udemy Downloader

Stats PPC NegativeKeywords Tool PPC NegativeKeywords Tool Udemy Downloader Udemy Downloader
User count 3,000+ 31,387+
Average rating 4.17 4.02
Rating count 46 96
Last updated 2020-10-29 2021-04-26
Size 1.31M 601.09K
Version 3.0.49 3.1
Short description
Позволяет собирать слова по клику из поисковых отчетов Udemy downloader extension.
Full summary

The extension of the NegativeKeywords tool allows you to quickly and easily collect negative keywords in different PPC services. How it works:

  1. Clicking on a word in a phrase adds it to the list of negative keywords, which can be copied and uploaded to an advertising campaign.
  2. Alt + LeftClick key combination adds a phrase.
  3. You can load sample or custom negative keywords into the campaign.

On average, about 10% of effective working time the ppc-specialist spends on analyzing search queries and adding negative keywords to the advertising campaign, this tool allows to speed up this process. Using this extension, you can do the process of adding negative keywords to your AdWords or Bind account at least two times faster. If you consider on average 120 effective working hours per month, this application can save:

(Working time * % of processing costs of adding negative keywords) * (% acceleration of work). (120 * 10%) * 50% = 6 hours.

Profit for ppc specialist is to SAVE 6-8 hours per month.

There are 2 options for use:

See more
  • In this user-friendly chrome extension, you can download the lecture videos in the course content you have already bought on Udemy collectively or individually.

  • If you turn off the "ask where to save before downloading" feature in Chrome settings, you can download in a categorized way. (You can change the settings on "chrome://settings/downloads")

Update notes : v3.1 - fixed stuck problem.