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5.00 (Rating count: 1)
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Shane Teskey
Shane Teskey
en Car dealers have always needed a tool that could simplify the myriad of tasks they manage daily, and when it comes to the all-important job of checking a cars history, the MotorCheck Chrome Extension will exceed expectations! This extension integrates seamlessly with Chrome, allowing dealers to access their MotorCheck trade account directly in a sidebar alongside any website they visit. No more switching between tabs! What really sets this extension apart is its ability to automatically recognise vehicle registration numbers on web pages. With just a click on these highlighted numbers, MotorCheck runs a provenance check and displays the results right next to the page. This feature alone will save countless hours, making vehicle checks swift and hassle-free. Additionally, the extension provides full access to all MotorCheck account features, including Previous Reports, Data Lookups, Location and User Management, as well as Balance and Transaction details. It’s like having the full power of MotorCheck at your fingertips, without ever leaving your browser. I highly recommend this extension to any car dealer looking to streamline their workflow and enhance productivity. The MotorCheck team has truly thought of everything with this tool, making it indispensable for the modern car dealership.