

TabX is a simple utility that keeps tabs on all your open Chrome tabs and enables you to search any open tab by it’s title or URL.

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4.90 (Rating count: 10)
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Recent rating average: 4.89
All time rating average: 4.90
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upasna verma
upasna verma
en I'm using TabX, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer! If you're tired of the chaos that comes with too many open tabs, this Chrome extension is the answer to your prayers. TabX is like having a personal tab assistant that effortlessly manages your tabs, turning your browsing experience into a seamless joyride. With its intuitive features, staying organized and focused has never been this easy. 🎯 Key Features: 1. Smart Tab Grouping: TabX intelligently groups your tabs based on your browsing patterns, making it a breeze to navigate through related content. 2. Quick Access Sidebar: Access your most frequently used tabs instantly with the convenient sidebar, saving you precious time and clicks. 3. Session Management: Say goodbye to the fear of losing your work! TabX lets you save and restore sessions effortlessly, ensuring you pick up right where you left off. 4. Customizable Themes: Personalize your browsing experience with a variety of themes, adding a touch of flair to your tab organization. 🌟 Why I Recommend TabX: TabX has transformed the way I browse the internet. No more tab overload, no more hunting for that one elusive tab—I'm in control, and it feels amazing. If you want to declutter your digital workspace and reclaim your focus, TabX is the extension you've been waiting for.
Abhimanyu Mehrotra
Abhimanyu Mehrotra
en Great utility provided by this useful extension!
Mohit Asnani
Mohit Asnani
Great features to remember which tabs have been used. No need to go to your history anymore! Added feature is to search anything on the page as well.
Rahul Verma
Rahul Verma
TabX has changed the way I browse the internet! It's so easy to use and helps me handle lots of tabs without any difficuilties.Useful features make it a must-have extension. I thinks everyone should give it a try!
Mohd Hussain
Mohd Hussain
TabX is an exceptional Chrome extension that has revolutionized the way I manage my browser tabs. As someone who frequently juggles multiple tasks and researches extensively, I often find myself overwhelmed with an excessive number of tabs open. However, thanks to TabX, my tab organization has become remarkably efficient, allowing me to regain control over my browsing experience.
Rajat Jaiswal
Rajat Jaiswal
TabX has been a game-changer for my browsing experience! It's incredibly user-friendly, helping me manage multiple tabs effortlessly. The sleek design and handy features make it a must-have extension. Highly recommended!
Ankita Ahuja
Ankita Ahuja
I've been using TabX for a few days, and it's been a game-changer! It helps me manage my tabs effortlessly, making my browsing experience smoother. Highly recommend this Chrome extension for anyone who wants to stay organized and focused. Thanks Mr. Vijay Shukla
Unitown Realty
Unitown Realty
TabX is an incredible Chrome extension! It helps me organize my tabs effortlessly, reducing clutter and saving my precious time. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a hassle-free browsing experience. Kudos to the developers!
Vijay Shukla
Vijay Shukla
TabX is a remarkable Chrome extension that effectively streamlines tab management, declutters your workspace, and optimizes your browsing experience. It's a valuable addition to any user's arsenal who wants to maximize productivity and maintain a well-organized online workflow.