Tabox - Save and Share Tab Groups

Save your open tabs into collections and reopen them whenever you want in a single click!

Total ratings

4.42 (Rating count: 137)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Allows saving and updating of tab collections across devices.
  • Simple UI and effective tool for managing tabs.
  • Offers cloud sync for tab groups, making them accessible from multiple devices.
  • Useful for organizing tabs for different purposes (work, home, etc.).
  • User-friendly session management and easy tab restoration.
  • Sync issues, including collection deletions and overwriting saved tabs.
  • Lacks clarity on how updates work and their impact on collections.
  • Inability to save tabs from multiple active windows simultaneously.
  • Missing features like 'Restore last closed tab' button.
  • Potential bugs in the extension that affect user trust.
Most mentioned
  • Collection deletions when creating new collections on different devices.
  • Sync problems across different browsers.
  • Desire for additional features and better session management options.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.42
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Hannes Reinsch
Gábor Klement
en could you possibly add an option to make the extension openable in a new tab as well?
Andi K
en Much worse than tab sync built into Google Chrome. Just use it if you need to sync between different kinds of browsers; for me its Google Chrome Desktop and Kiwi browser on Android. Issues: - It's not well explained what "update" does: it tries to update the collection with tabs of the _current_ window. So only click on update on the tabox installation for the collection on the client you want to send your tabs from, don't for collections where you receive them else it will be overwritten with the current window. (This is why you should never activate "auto-update" because it is very unclear what it will update from where.) - It does not sync a collection created in Google Chrome on Windows 10; it will even auto-delete it after some minutes! - In Kiwi browser, update/"add all open tabs" will just include recently accessed tabs, but not all of them. If you are logged out and a click on "Signin" shows nothing, reinstalling the extension makes authentication working again. - On Windows Google Chrome, the popup opening when clicking on "settings" is flickering and I cannot change any settings theren
green life
en best one available, keep doing the good work.
René Stout
nl Ik had al een aantal extensies geprobeerd, maar geen enkele kon wat ik wilde. Dankzij een artikel in kwam ik Tabox tegen. Dat is precies wat ik zocht! Drie functies vind ik helemaal geweldig: 1 - hij slaat ook de Chrome-tabgroepen op; 2 - hij zet de collecties op de Google drive, waardoor je ze ook op jouw andere apparaten kunt gebruiken; 3 - Je kunt collecties updaten, waardoor je ze ook kunt gebruiken om verder te gaan waar je was gebleven. Perfect!!! Dat was in september 2022. Het is nu oktober 2024. Google heeft nu ein-de-lijk zijn tabgroepen op orde. Hiermee zou Tabox overbodig worden. Toch is het nog handig omdat Chrome altijd de actuele situatie binnen een groep opslaat. Je mist dus de functie in Tabox om een profiel (of noem het sjabloon) op te slaan om later terug te kunnen naar de uitgangssituatie.
Sakuroh Banda
ja セッション管理系アドオンの中で一番使いやすい。タブグループ込みでウィンドウのタブ構成に名前を付けて保存でき、必要に応じて簡単に呼び出せる。一度保存したセッションの編集(タブの追加・削除)も簡単。セッションの保存が気楽にできるおかげで、タブいっぱいのウィンドウも気兼ねなく閉じられる。 少し気になる点は、セッションの管理ダイアログを開いたままにしておくと CPU使用率が上がったままになるので、使い終わったらさっさと閉じないといけないことかな。
Ohad Shaked
en I'd like to make a donation for 1,000,000 IRR to this wonderful project. Please contact me so I can make the transfer.
Itay Schmidt
en It's a good add-on, just like drinking your coke with no bubbles.
Paul Simon
en A wonderful and useful app - until all my collections were deleted unwittingly. Apparently if you create a new collection on one device while still being signed in in another, it deletes all the collections you had synced on the other device? Who knows what ultimately happened. For me, I lost dozens of specialized collections, just gone and vanished. Will never trust this app again and advise you not to.
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