Rainbow.surf — merge duplicate Google Calendar events

Colorfully merge duplicate Google Calendar events into one rainbow and give the weekends a background color.

Total ratings

4.80 (Rating count: 10)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helps to merge calendar events and reduce duplication clutter.
  • Adds visual enhancements that improve the organization and appearance of Google Calendar.
  • Responsive support team, addressing user issues promptly.
  • Allows for better organization with color-coded calendars.
  • The blue background for weekends clashes with user event colors.
  • Some merged events may disappear from the calendar instead of merging correctly.
  • The extension is difficult to find and could benefit from a more descriptive name.
Most mentioned
  • Helps with duplication clutter.
  • Visually enhances the calendar experience.
  • Responsive support team.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.80
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82% (9)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en best event merge extension for sure, but is there any way to not have the blue background behind the weekends. its really ugly to me, and clashes heavily with my event colours. especially when i already have an extension that shades days, but its hidden underneath this extensions weekend colour.
Cheryl Hammond
en Seriously don't know how I'd live without this extension - it turns a stressfully-cluttered calendar into a work of art, with lovely ombre effect. Team was super responsive when I posted an issue on GitHub. Grateful for y'all's work!
Thaís Gouveia Osti
en This is excellent! I've been using it for a while now and it is a life saver, helps with duplication clutter a lot! <3
Midge Stocker
en Visually great, but I found that some merged events just disappear from my calendar altogether instead of being merged. This happens when I use a custom view set to 2 weeks, which is my preferred view.
Eunice Hung
The first calendar merge extension that doesn't leave a blank space where two events were merged into one, pushing later events further down.
Eunice Hung
en The first calendar merge extension that doesn't leave a blank space where two events were merged into one, pushing later events further down.
Mathias Böhmer
Great to merge calendar events! Thanks a lot, solved the painful sliding-bug at "Gradient Merge". But, this extension is very hard to find. Found it only through the comments in "Gradient Merge". Maybe you want to think about a more describing name and description. Nobody googles for "rainbow" or "surf", when wanting to merge calendar events
Mathias Böhmer
en Great to merge calendar events! Thanks a lot, solved the painful sliding-bug at "Gradient Merge". But, this extension is very hard to find. Found it only through the comments in "Gradient Merge". Maybe you want to think about a more describing name and description. Nobody googles for "rainbow" or "surf", when wanting to merge calendar events
Cheryl Hammond
I have literally like a dozen color-coded calendars for different organizations and this extension not only helps me keep them well-organized, it also makes them pretty!
Zachary Wiles
Perfect calendar enhancement! Exactly what I need for the messy display of shared calendars on Google Calendar! So much cleaner now! Also, I have my week set to start on Monday now so I can think of a weekend as one block and see it that way. This extension adds background colors to weekend days which helps my brain more easily make the adjustment from the old Sunday-first view and there is no more confusion.
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