
Increase contrast in Google Maps

Total ratings

2.78 (Rating count: 32)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Improves map view of Google Maps, making it more usable.
  • Provides a high contrast option for better visibility.
  • Toggle feature does not work properly, leading to frustration.
  • Satellite view becomes unusable or appears too dark.
  • Does not function well on Linux or in certain browsers.
  • Right-click options to toggle do not work.
Most mentioned
  • Toggle does not work.
  • Satellite view is too dark or unusable.
  • Extension does not function on Linux.
  • Problems persist despite claims from the developer.
  • Users are seeking alternatives or updates.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 2.78
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Dylan Morgan
en It works... kind of... It does improve the map view of Google Maps enough that it is usable... but it makes the satellite view UNUSABLE. The developer claims that it only affects map view, and that you can toggle it on/off... but these are LIES. The developer has known for years that these features don't work, and has never bothered to fix them.
What's in a Name?
en Can't turn it off! Pitty, i was looking for such an extension..
Martin Lasarsch
en toggle is not working in chrome, not working at all in opera. Pictures and sat view gets way to dark. There a so many comments that it is not working, maybe do something. If it works it is great.
Malc B
en Simply doesn't work.... you should get your T shirt, long haired software geeks to put down their coffee and fix it...
Craig Given
en Did not work. Right-clicking satellite did nothing. Refresh didn't work either.
Joanna Doe
en Doesn't work.
Pim van Bree
en After installing the extension, make sure you reboot Google Chrome. You shouldn't need to press the right mouse button after that.
Michael Briggs
en I really like it but it could use an update. The toggle doesn't work but it's easy enough to work around if I keep Extension Manager open on another tab. Is there anything similar for IOS app?
Nicht Wichtig
de Danke, danke, danke, zum erstenmal schaut das wie eine eine Karte aus, was denken diesichj bei Google eigentlich das Problem ist seit Ewigleiten bekannt und es scheint eoine einfache Lösung zu geben? Da Google Maps aber für viele Benutzer nicht benutzbar bleibt muß man im kommerziellen Einsatz immer noch auf Bing zurückgreifen was hilfts.
Robert Billing
en On Linux it simply doesn't work at all, nothing happens.
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