Save To Drive

Save To Drive

Save Emails, Images, Pages to Google Drive™ in 1 Click!

Total ratings for Save To Drive
4.80 (Rating count: 5)
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Recent reviews for Save To Drive
Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.80
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Alina Green
Alina Green
en i was so fed up with the other save to google drive extension, this works perfectly!
Sachin Gupta
Sachin Gupta
en probably the only extension that actually works...also lets me vhoose the destination folder. the only other feature I would've wanted is sending files to shared drives. Hopefully, they implement this soon. But overall, a great extension, 4 stars
Tanisha Pandey
Tanisha Pandey
en Very convenient extension to save stuff to Drive. Thanks for this product!
Isha Tarte
Isha Tarte
en Thanks for this extension. Really helpful!
Syamantak Kumar
Syamantak Kumar
en Finally a Save to Drive extension that works without erroring out! I have been waiting for the other Save to Google Drive extension to fix the bugs, so this is a welcome product. Thanks!