Compare Chrome extensions: Prodeus vs Udemy Downloader

Stats Prodeus Prodeus Udemy Downloader Udemy Downloader
User count 4,000+ 31,387+
Average rating 4.26 4.02
Rating count 31 96
Last updated 2022-05-19 2021-04-26
Size 10.54M 601.09K
Version 2.1.0 3.1
Short description
Forget massive tuition costs. Let Prodeus catalog the hours you spend learning on Youtube and all the work you do along the way. Udemy downloader extension.
Full summary

👋 Hi friends!

Prodeus is a free chrome extension that cleverly tracks the time you spend watching educational videos on Youtube so that you can earn a digital degree no matter your financial situation.

We built Prodeus because we believe that everyone regardless of wealth, status or nationality deserves equal access to higher education, as it’s the single most important factor in upward social mobility. In these past few years we’ve seen a dramatic rise in remote learning as universities continually raise their prices or close their doors from COVID.

📃 How it works

  1. Add the extension to your Chrome browser, pin it to the toolbar and create your Prodeus profile.
  2. Connect classes from Youtube📺 to the Prodeus library by hovering over an active youtube video and clicking "Track my time". You will also include the category, skill and difficulty of the class.
  3. Prodeus tracks your time spent watching classes and accrues your hours categorically, allowing you to earn degrees in Art & Design, Computer Science, Business, or Academics.
  4. As you accrue more hours, you build up your expertise and level up your ProDegree.

In our 2.0 launch we added a series of learning tools to provide more structure, better retention and hastened mastery of new skills. We also let you use the extension outside Youtube...whether your on Wikipedia, Coursera, Codeacademy or Medium you can use the learning tools Prodeus provides.

🤔 Quizzes: You and the community can easily create short answer or multiple choice quizzes to help practice your knowledge. Prodeus will ask you to retake these quizzes regular intervals to ensure retention.

See more
  • In this user-friendly chrome extension, you can download the lecture videos in the course content you have already bought on Udemy collectively or individually.

  • If you turn off the "ask where to save before downloading" feature in Chrome settings, you can download in a categorized way. (You can change the settings on "chrome://settings/downloads")

Update notes : v3.1 - fixed stuck problem.