

Sends a link to the currently visited page as a push notification to your iPhone or iPod Touch.

Total ratings for Prowl
4.05 (Rating count: 19)
See reviews for Prowl on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Prowl
Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.05
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
J.J. Draijer
J.J. Draijer
Does not work (anymore)
Kevin C
Kevin C
I use this extension daily and more then any others. A++++
Joel Mellon
Joel Mellon
Decent. Only sends the URL you're on. Would be much more helpful if it would send the text you have have highlighted like other kinds of plugins do, eg. Pastefire. Also, the ability to set the Prowl "event" would be an awesome addition. Lastly, I'd like the ability to be prompted to enter (type or paste) my own message to be sent, eg. "don't forget to stop by the store on the way home". IDK, something like that.
Chris Stewart
Chris Stewart
works well with the companion iOS app. i would like for the ability to switch between two API keys on the extension so that i can send different things to different devices more easily.
Jason Mills
Jason Mills
Latest update is excellent!