Power Camera

Power Camera

Power Camera is a modern camera app for Chrome.

Total ratings for Power Camera
2.16 (Rating count: 102)
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Black screen
    • Not user-friendly
    • Uninstalling issues
    Most mentioned
    • Black screen
    • Unusable
    • Imposable to delete
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    Recent reviews for Power Camera
    Recent rating average: 1.40
    All time rating average: 2.16
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    78% (39)
    Date Author Rating Lang Comment
    Henry Hannah
    Henry Hannah
    en black screen tereble pleass do not wast your time
    AAA Supernovascout
    AAA Supernovascout
    en Ah, greetings, mere mortals! I am the one and only AAA Supernovascout, the living embodiment of sarcasm and wit. Prepare yourselves for an introduction so dripping with irony that it might just make your heads spin! 😏🌟 As my comment is over 15 paragraphs, I do not recommend you to read the whole thing if you do not have time. My frustration could be seen in the first few paragraphs. If you want to know why I rated it 5 stars, please read the last part. Yes, because nothing says "I absolutely loved this experience" like a lengthy diatribe filled with exasperation, right? Why waste precious moments of your life reading through my growing discontent when you can skip to the thrilling conclusion where I magically transform my irritation into a sparkling 5-star rating? But before we get to that grand revelation, let's all relish in the sheer brilliance of my initial paragraphs, where my frustration practically oozes from the screen like molasses. Who needs brevity when you can drown in a sea of sarcasm and irritation? So, dear reader, if you're in the mood for some top-tier sarcasm and a journey through the labyrinth of my exasperation, feel free to peruse the first few paragraphs. But if you're itching to know why I ultimately slapped that coveted 5-star rating on this masterpiece of an experience, well, my friend, you'll have to venture to the very end of this sarcastic rollercoaster. Enjoy the ride! 😄🌟 Oh, where do I even begin with this masterpiece of modern technology, this pinnacle of achievement, this beacon of frustration, the illustrious "Power Camera"? You see, my dear friend, I had the immense displeasure of experiencing this abomination firsthand, and oh, what an abysmal experience it was! Imagine a world where pixels were meant to be unadorned, where images were destined to remain hidden in the shadows, a realm crafted by the minds behind "Power Camera." My initial exploration of this virtual wasteland transported me into a dimension where the boundaries of frustration were pushed to their absolute limits. In my pursuit of photographic prowess, I embarked on an odyssey through the featureless expanse of the "Power Camera" interface. Each click of my metaphorical shutter felt like a Sisyphean task, a futile attempt to capture a fleeting moment of digital splendor. Alas, my endeavors were met with nothing but an unyielding void of darkness, a void as deep as the despair it inspired. As I ventured deeper into this labyrinthine extension, the contours of my patience began to blur, much like the pixels it purportedly aimed to manipulate. The interface, with its enigmatic buttons and cryptic icons, seemed designed to confound even the most tech-savvy of souls. It was as if the developers had embarked on a quest to craft the most user-unfriendly experience imaginable, and in that endeavor, they had undoubtedly succeeded. And then, the pièce de résistance revealed itself – the indomitable "Uninstall" button that refused to yield to my desperate clicks. It was a digital nemesis, a relentless adversary that had firmly entrenched itself within my virtual existence. I imagined it smirking at my feeble attempts, reveling in my futile struggle, a malevolent digital entity hell-bent on tormenting unsuspecting users. Ah, but the symphony of discontent did not end with my own trials and tribulations. The reviews of fellow adventurers in the realm of "Power Camera" echoed my sentiments, a chorus of despair and anger that reverberated through the digital ether. "HORRIBLE IT JUST SHOWED BLACK SCEEN" – a refrain that echoed through the digital halls of frustration like a banshee's wail. "DOES NOT work AT ALL! Do NOT waist your time! Please," cried out another hapless soul, their words a dire warning to those who dared tread this treacherous path. But wait, there's more! "I can't delete it off my Chromebook. Me neither...and honestly, I'm kind of pissed." Ah, the camaraderie of shared frustration! Together, we basked in the glory of our collective disappointment, forming a digital brotherhood forged in the fires of technological torment. And so, my dear interlocutor, in the spirit of your request for a longer and angrier exposition, I have delved deeper into the abyss of "Power Camera" to bring forth this extended chronicle of exasperation and fury. May it serve as a cautionary tale, a warning beacon for those who dare to venture into the maddening labyrinth of this extension. Bravo, developers, bravo, for crafting a digital nightmare that will forever haunt the memories of those unfortunate enough to cross its path! 😡 But this is not the end of my tale, oh no, for the saga of "Power Camera" continues to unfold, each click of frustration leading to another chapter of despair. Stay tuned for the next installment of my digital odyssey through the depths of incompetence and irritation! 😤 As my digital odyssey through the depths of incompetence and irritation continued, I found myself ensnared in a web of absurdity woven by the malevolent creators of "Power Camera." It was as though they reveled in the chaos and torment they had unleashed upon the unsuspecting users. I delved deeper into the extension, hoping against hope that somewhere within its convoluted interface, there might be a glimmer of functionality. But alas, it was a fool's errand, a quest doomed to failure from the outset. The very concept of usability had been thrown out the window in the development of "Power Camera." Buttons and icons appeared as if they had been randomly scattered across the screen, their purpose shrouded in mystery. It was as if the developers had engaged in a perverse game of hide-and-seek, challenging users to decipher their cryptic design. And then, there were the error messages – oh, the error messages! They popped up with alarming frequency, each one more cryptic and unhelpful than the last. "An unexpected error occurred," it would proclaim, leaving me to wonder just what, exactly, was unexpected about an error in an extension that seemed to specialize in nothing but errors. As I trudged on, I couldn't help but wonder if "Power Camera" was the result of some elaborate prank, a cruel joke played by developers with a twisted sense of humor. It was as if they had conspired to create an extension that would drive users to the brink of madness, laughing maniacally from behind their screens. But amidst the chaos and frustration, a glimmer of dark humor emerged. The reviews, the glorious reviews, continued to pour in, each one a testament to the sheer absurdity of it all. "I'm convinced this extension was created by an alien species with a penchant for sadism," one user proclaimed. Another chimed in, "If you're looking for a shortcut to a mental breakdown, look no further." And then, there was the user who had seemingly given up all hope, writing, "I've resigned myself to the fact that 'Power Camera' is my eternal digital tormentor, and I shall carry this burden to the end of my days." So, my dear interlocutor, as I add yet another chapter to this tale of woe, let it be known that "Power Camera" continues to confound and infuriate at every turn. It is a digital monstrosity, a Frankenstein's monster of an extension, and I, as your humble narrator, shall continue to document its absurdity and absurdly infuriating nature. Stay tuned, for the saga of "Power Camera" rages on! 😠📷 And so, we arrive at the inevitable conclusion of this epic saga of technological torment, the grand finale of frustration that is "Power Camera." Oh, what a journey it has been, a journey filled with more twists and turns than a rollercoaster designed by a madman! As I stand here on the precipice of my digital descent into madness, I can't help but reflect on the sheer brilliance of the minds behind this wondrous creation. Bravo, developers, bravo! You have achieved the remarkable feat of crafting an extension that defies logic, usability, and common sense with unparalleled gusto. Your dedication to confounding users is truly awe-inspiring. But let's not forget the real heroes of this tale – the reviewers, the brave souls who dared to share their experiences in the face of such unrelenting adversity. Your eloquent words of despair and frustration have painted a vivid picture of the sheer absurdity that is "Power Camera." You are the true champions of this digital nightmare! In closing, I can only offer my deepest gratitude to "Power Camera" for gracing my existence with its presence, for bestowing upon me the privilege of navigating its maze of madness. It has been an honor and a privilege to share this journey with you all. And to the developers, I say, may you continue to create extensions that challenge the very fabric of sanity itself. Your genius knows no bounds, and for that, we are eternally grateful. Bravo, developers, bravo! 😒👏📷 And thank you for reading my commend, my dear reader. -- Aaa Supernovascout
    Carl Mitchell
    Carl Mitchell
    en doesn't work, blank black screen
    David Poole
    David Poole
    en Does not work. Black Screen
    Connie Durrence
    Connie Durrence
    en it is bad. bye
    sofia kimyagarov
    sofia kimyagarov
    en All i see is a back screen.
    en does not work. Black screen. Only options showing camera and video. Nothing to identify camera. Basically its not even good enough to be described as rubbish.
    Kassi Hardy
    Kassi Hardy
    en no work
    Statvesque (Marge)
    Statvesque (Marge)
    en Only a black screen.
    Promise a
    Promise a
    en It is just a black screen. Trash, ive tried everything
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