BidFilter Header Bidding Analysis

Provides details about Prebid bids and events. Includes BidFilter integration, allowing publishers to block unwanted ads.

Total ratings

3.83 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for BidFilter Header Bidding Analysis on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.56
All time rating average: 3.83

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33% (3)
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56% (5)
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1 star
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
frank panko
en I find this very handy for keeping track of things in prebid, and to see who is actually bidding and the bid ranges. I like the mag glass feature what shows the slot for the winning bid. If I could request a feature: I'd love something similar, but almost the opposite. Where I can select a visible ad on the page, and identify which winner it came from. It would be useful in cases where malicious ads take over the site. I'd know who supplied it, so I could contact them and block that advertiser.
João Alves
en It stopped working a few months ago. It was very useful back then, right now does not make sense using it
Kike Moreno
Worked really well until about 2-3 days ago. Now, for some reason, it gets stuck loading on "Searching for prebid.js" in every domain I try. For example: I'm certain that it previously worked there. EDIT: Updated version rolled out. Everything's great again!
Martin Svoboda
Doesn't work anymore :/
Martin Svoboda
en Doesn't work anymore :/
Galinos Giaglis
Works fine - with the latest prebid 4.0 update does not work.
Galinos Giaglis
en Works fine - with the latest prebid 4.0 update does not work.
Sze Chan
It's a good chrome Extension but it's causing a conflict in Google Docs. Please fix this so I can use Google Docs. Thank you
Sze Chan
en It's a good chrome Extension but it's causing a conflict in Google Docs. Please fix this so I can use Google Docs. Thank you