
Publisher summary

vakekcz is a Chrome extension publisher. Its Chrome extensions have reached 191 users.

Users: 191 (Average 64/extension)
Rating: 3.86 (66)
Total published extensions: 3

Published Chrome extensions

3 results. Page 1 of 1.
Diablo cartoon theme
Theme for Google Chrome inspired by game Diablo III. I hope you like the theme. For any…
4.30 (10)
Whiskas theme
Whiskas (formerly known as Kal Kan) is a brand of cat food sold throughout the world. It is owned by the American group Mars,…
3.76 (33)
BF-4 theme
This is a theme inspired by PC and Console game Battlefield 4 from EA Games I hope you like the theme. For any comments please…
3.83 (23)
3 results. Page 1 of 1.