
tomnordyk is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 1 Chrome extension, including Safety Web - Adblocker for Web. Its Chrome extensions have reached 3,000+ users.

Users: 3,000+
Email: to*****
Rating: 3.88 (16)
Total active extensions: 1
Number of previously published extensions: 1

Active extensions

Safety Web - Adblocker for Web
#1, Safety Web - Adblocker for Web
Safety Web - Adblocker for Web
Keep the browser secure with Safety Web that stops tracking, remove ads and prevent malicious activity
3.88 (16)

Previous extensions

Best Cursors - Bloom of Custom Cursor
#1, Best Cursors - Bloom of Custom Cursor
Best Cursors - Bloom of Custom Cursor
Funny, cute and original custom cursor collections with popular topics. Use Best Cursors to change the default pointer with custom
4.39 (94)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count